Application for European Building Expert

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The following documentation must be submitted with this form (to be verified by the National Monitoring Committee):

  • Photocopied evidence of academic award(s)
  • Current CV/portfolio of appropriate training and experience. (in Spanish)
  • Evidence of membership of other professional organisations, if any.

Personal contact information


Membership (Currently in membership of the following professional bodies)


Qualifications (Professional/Educational establishments)


Appropriate Professional experience


Professional Competences obtained through Third Level Institution/University and/or appropriate Training/Experience.
This form must be filled in English.



Optional Competencies – Choose any 2 from the following 5 competencies

If you have finished the form, send it by clicking "Send form" and if you want to continue later, click "Save and continue latter...", you’ll see an ID and password, that will let you open your form in the future.

Upload Photo (Only one document)

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